UAC Pass

UAC Pass 1.8 UAC bypass tool for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

UAC Pass Abstract:

UAC Pass allows to give or take back administrative rights on a specific application once and for all, with User Account Control active at the same time but without any prompt. It is a freeware elevate application that's light on system resources, portable, advanced and efficient.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Can deactivate User Account Control (UAC) for selected apps, without deactivating it altogether - Screenshot of UAC Pass
Can deactivate User Account Control (UAC) for selected apps, without deactivating it altogether.
Screenshot of UAC Pass - 953px · 1129px
Disable the nagging of the Windows User Account Control system - Screenshot of UAC Pass
Disable the nagging of the Windows User Account Control system.
Screenshot of UAC Pass - 1529px · 1175px